Monitor Product Hunt for New Launches



Keeping up with the latest product launches can give you a competitive edge, especially in a fast-paced tech environment. Whether you're an entrepreneur, investor, or tech enthusiast, staying informed about new products can help you spot trends and opportunities early. Manually checking platforms like Product Hunt daily is tedious and easy to overlook. Enter Snoop Hawk.

Why Monitoring Product Hunt Matters

Tracking new product launches on Product Hunt provides valuable benefits, such as:

  • Staying ahead of industry trends.
  • Identifying potential competitors or partners.
  • Discovering new tools and technologies.
  • Gaining insights into market needs and consumer preferences.
  • Spotting investment or collaboration opportunities.

How Snoop Hawk Enhances Product Hunt Monitoring

Snoop Hawk automates the process of monitoring and analyzing new product launches on Product Hunt. Here’s how it can help:

Automated Monitoring

Set up Snoop Hawk to track new product launches on Product Hunt. It can monitor:

  • Names and descriptions of new products.
  • Categories of new products.
  • Popularity and ranking of new products.

Custom Questions

Ask specific questions and get precise answers. For example:

  • "Give me names and descriptions of the top 5 products launching today."
  • "List any AI products in today's top 10."

Easy Scheduling

Decide when Snoop Hawk performs its checks. Schedule it to run daily, weekly, or monthly, depending on your needs.

Triggers and Notifications

Set up triggers to receive notifications based on specific criteria. For example:

  • "Notify me if there are any AI-related products in the top 10."
  • "Alert me if a product exceeds a certain popularity threshold."

Detailed Reports

Get comprehensive reports with precise answers and insights. Use this data to inform your strategies and make better decisions.

Use Case: Monitoring Product Hunt for AI Products

Let’s take an example to show off Snoop Hawk's Product Hunt monitoring feature. We'll set up a daily job to get the names and descriptions of the top 5 products launching today and list any AI products in today's top 10.

Product Hunt Top 5 Screenshot

By setting up Snoop Hawk, we can monitor the top 5 product launches and identify any AI-related products in the top 10. We set up a job in this example to provide this information daily.

Screenshot of Questions

And our trigger

Screenshot of Trigger

And here is a sample result from one of the runs.

Screenshot of Report

As a result, we identified the top 5 products launching today and found 6 AI-related products in the top 10. This proactive approach allows us to stay informed about significant new product launches and spot potential opportunities early.

Leveraging Insights

By using Snoop Hawk, we can gain actionable insights from these daily updates. For example, setting a trigger to notify us about AI-related products helps us stay informed about developments in a critical industry. This information can be used to refine our investment strategies and remain competitive in the market.


Snoop Hawk simplifies the tracking of new product launches on Product Hunt, making it efficient and actionable. By automating the monitoring process, you can focus on leveraging the insights gained to make smarter decisions. Start using Snoop Hawk today and transform your Product Hunt monitoring strategy.

Your eyes in the digital sky

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